Singing Guide: White Heart

Singing Guide: White Heart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

White Heart is a Christian rock band that emerged back in the 80s. Guitar riffs, synths and epic drums are a significant part of their sound. The band's vocal approach is characterized by blending suave and warm vocals for verses with more robust, vibrant and full-bodied vocals in choruses. This blending style of the two approaches creates a unique and vivid sound.

To start learning how to sing like White Heart, you should focus on vocal control, agility and dynamics. To do this, start with warming up your voice with Farinelli Breathing, it helps to expand your diaphragm, and it's great to practice long, sustained and even notes.

Some White Heart songs you could use to showcase their unique style are “The River Will Flow,” “Looking Glass” and “Highlands”. You can also listen to the vocal arrangements, articulation, phrasing, and how the verses and choruses blend into each other.

Remember to analyze your voice to find your range and voice type if you haven't done so. The vocal range test on Singing Carrots will give you a better understanding of the limits of your vocal range compared to some of White Heart's vocalists.

Join Singing Carrots' singing course to get a better understanding of the fundamental principles of singing and how you could apply them to White Heart's music. Focus on the Pitch training tool to improve singing with rhythm, intonation and overall pitch accuracy.

Finally, a detailed explanation of how to learn a song effectively can be found in this article, and some practical breathing exercises can be found in breathing basics and Breath support.

Start by finding your range and practicing control, agility and dynamics. With the right resources, time, dedication and practice, you can learn to sing like White Heart.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.